Originally Posted by Extortion
I messaged the creator of the show and informed him that Chin was not the boss until 1980-1981 and that he was still in prison with until 1964 and in the first two episodes take place in 1963. He told me “according to my research Chin took over immediately after Vito went away” which is simply not true for various reasons and anybody with access to Google or FBI files knows that he was a capo/acting capo during the mid 1960s which he would have only been in his mid 30s during this time. Quite a slip up if you ask me.

No mention of Eboli or Lombardo or even Salerno for that matter even though this period of the Genovese is shrouded in mystery Fish Cafaro claimed that Lombardo was the real power along with Catena in NJ. I mean this is pretty basic stuff unless he has access to files none of us crime historians have which I highly doubt...plus a boss would never walk around confronting like that at this period of time, this isn’t Sqaulitieri with the Albanians. Its the Genovese during their peak but it just seems unlikely this would ever happen with a boss leading a pack of armed soliders in Harlem that visibily..

Shows need to do better fact checking on these kinds of non fiction/pseudo fictional shows..

Like i said, disappointed. I have yet to see any Numbers operators.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb