Originally Posted by Hollander
Originally Posted by Revis_Knicks
Was there any truth to the Cuntreras controlling most of Aruba or was that a gross exaggeration?

They didn't control Aruba the Dutch authorities would not let them run an Island which is part of the Kingdom. But they invested heavily in the tourist sector the idea was to create a safehaven for them near Venezuela. Here is an 1993 dutch article about them.

Italian mafia would make Aruba the first independent state of its own
From our foreign editors

March 5, 1993 , 0:00 am
Aruba is mentioned in the Italian press as a strategically located transit port for Colombian cocaine. The Mafia would have been in great need of a 'private' piece of land in the Caribbean to launder money, conduct negotiations with Colombian producers and trade cocaine. Between 1988 and 1992, the Cuntrera / Caruana Mafia family would have "bought everything that could be bought on Aruba." According to the Corriere della Sera, the family also financed election campaigns by local politicians, including Prime Minister Oduber. According to the newspaper, international organizations working on the mafia no longer doubt that the family uses Aruba to launder drug money. According to the Italian press, the intention was to create a special state for the mafia,

Much of the information about Aruba comes from Mafia members who were arrested in Venezuela and extradited to Italy. Repentant 'pentito' Joe Cuffaro said that in Aruba an agreement was made between the mafia and Colombian traders to bring six hundred kilos of cocaine with the cargo ship the Big John to Europe. The case started rolling in September when the police raided a number of apartments in the Venezuelan capital Caracas, where documents were found showing the influence of the Mafia family on Aruba. The houses belonged to three Contrera brothers, who have since been extradited to Italy. The Cuntrera / Caruana family has invested huge sums in the island. There are mainly hotels, casinos and restaurants built.

Most islanders are not aware of the 'takeover' by the mafia and do not know exactly where the investments came from. According to the Italian press, 60% of Aruban property is now in the hands of the Mafia. On Aruba, the last remaining leader of the clan, Alfonso Caruana, as well as three cousins ​​Cuntrera would also hide. According to the Italian press there have been consultations in Rome between the Italian government, the Dutch police and the Attorney General of the Netherlands Antilles.

A spokesman for the Attorney General of Aruba stated yesterday that the Aruban justice department has started an investigation into the case. Members of the Antillean and Aruban Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives were not available for comment yesterday in connection with their trip to Curacao, where the conference on the future of the islands begins on Monday.

60% of the land controlled by the cuntreras? That’s an awful lot. Even as an estimation. Were they truly the Rothschilds or the mafia as the media says or were they more front men for families that had more money than them such as the Inzerillos or Bontades?