Here stuff I do know like you said Carmine trusted him and gave him the family but Allie was always a factor.

Vic was well liked and mingled well and he was the nice boss ! because Carmine was the real boss .

Gotti knew that if Carmine ever hit the street he would of killed him .

Whenever you have a well liked modern skipper given a family ( Orena) you are going to have all the guys that he hung with in his camp and letting guys do shit the real boss would not , or take less money , promised moving guys up you will have guys following.

Most of the old guys were gone so Vick had a shit load of guys his age and guys he grew up with .

All the guys in the family knew if Carmine won that they would be ruled by Persico’s forever and in that life they want the top spots to move so they move up.

If not for the real bosses of the other families Carmine would of got run over and the Feds helped a shit load .

Last edited by Serpiente; 10/18/19 04:29 PM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."