Today, on the authority of the Catania Anti-Mafia District Directorate, a precautionary custody order issued by the GIP of the Court of Catania against 31 individuals was executed, of which 21 were in prison and 10 were under house arrest.

The provision was carried out by more than two hundred Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Catania, supported by the specialized departments (Operational Intervention Company of the XIIth Regiment "Sicily", Dogs and Helicopters), all over the national territory and concerned apical and simple figures affiliates of the “Santapaola-Ercolano” mafia family active in the capital and with ramifications throughout the Etna province, responsible, in various ways, for mafia-type association crimes, extortion, fictitious heading of goods, drug trafficking, detention and illegal port of weapons and other crimes.

Last edited by m2w; 10/12/19 12:49 PM.