More insightful Italian article on the Grande Aracri bust I posted above. They had connections in Emilia, where the workers were coming from, and Tuscany, where the construction firm was based.

Ndrangheta in Emilia, the caporalato of the clan: workers sent to Brussels. "Hunger pay and a third of the money ended up being the boss"

by Paolo Bonacini - 27 June 2019 - il Fatto quotidiano

The latest investigation against the Grande Aracri reconstructs the events linked to the intermediation of labor. They are a photocopy of what emerged in Aemilia on post-earthquake reconstruction activities in 2012. For Belgian canteries, where Albanian construction companies operated, dozens of unemployed and needy workers left, recruited in Emilia Romagna in 2017 and formally hired by a company of Florence that in reality was only a screen

The Grimilde inquiry is like an annex of Aemilia, the maxi-ndrangheta trial in Northern Italy. A branch that was based in Brescello, closed by the arrests obtained by the prosecutor of Bologna, Beatrice Ronchi. Seventy-six suspects (13 in Brescello alone), 16 pre-trial detention, 13 abused individuals of 416 bis, membership in a mafia-type criminal association. A family under indictment, that of Francesco Grande Aracri, his wife Santina Pucci, his sons Paolo, Rosita and Salvatore, known as Calamaro and true ruler of external activities after his father's reputation had been compromised by his conviction in Edilpiovra. The man who already according to Aemilia was the real owner of the two most "in" places of Reggio Emilia, some time ago, on the front of youth clubs: Los Angeles in Quattro Castella and Italghisa in the city. Carmelina, Salvatore's wife and with him resident in Brescello, is also under investigation, and with her four other members of the Passafaro family who live in Viadana.

They were, with illustrious companions in the adventure, to carry on the activities of 'ndrangheta from the Brescello annex after January 2015, with the usual kit of fictitious headings, threats and intimidation, fakes and scams, extortion and debt recovery, theft and exploitation of workers. Carpenters and masons in particular, recruited by the head of the family, Francesco Grande Aracri, who taught his son Salvatore how best to use the gangmaster and went personally to Brussels to manage the activities that crossed national borders.

The events related to labor brokering are a photocopy of what emerged in Aemilia on post-earthquake reconstruction activities in 2012. For Belgian canteries, where Albanian construction companies operated, dozens of unemployed and needy workers, recruited in Emilia Romagna, left in 2017 and formally hired by a company in Florence that was really just a screen. The connections with Belgium were guaranteed by Mario Timpano, a suspect residing in Dilbeek in the northern country, while Davide Gaspari, born in Germany and resident in Viadana of Mantua, was now awaiting housekeeping .

A third of the remuneration for the work done ended up in the pockets of the ‘ndrangheta, while the carpenters and the masons obtained starvation payments. A case for all: the worker Francesco Sciano who worked for 100 hours receiving 675 euros in cash (6.75 euros an hour) without paycheck, without compensation, without contributions, paying himself the food in the weeks from March 25 to 13 April 2017. Worse than the Italian emigrants in the Belgian mines seventy years ago.

The set of crimes of Grimilde was committed between 2004 and 2018, with particular intensity of action in the last four years, when the free men of the cosca also covered the voids left by those in jail. When many in Reggio Emilia deluded themselves that everything was over. The most striking case is that concerning Giuseppe Caruso, an employee of the Piacenza Customs Office, accused of 416 bis together with his brother Albino and capable (to say the least) of moving seas and mountains for the interests of the gang. Giuseppe Caruso is also president of the Piacenza City Council, in quota of the Brothers of Italy: Giorgia Meloni announced yesterday the expulsion from the party of the arrested president.

Even the former president of the Parma City Council Giovanni Paolo Bernini (Forza Italia) was accused in Aemilia of a competition outside the mafia association, but the crime was retrained and extinguished due to a prescription. Even the leader of Forza Italia in the Reggio Emilia City Council, Giuseppe Pagliani, is still on trial in Aemilia, after the first instance absolution, the sentence in appeal and the Cassation's decision to postpone it to a new appeal. And finally, on 11 July next, in a few days, the Gup of Bologna will rule on the request for deferral I presented by the prosecutor's office against 11 people, including public officials of the State, accused of violence or threat to a political, administrative or judicial body, with the aggravating circumstance of the mafia method, in competition with the then Senator Pdl Carlo Giovanardi, former member of the anti-mafia parliamentary commission. All in the aftermath of the earthquake, to obtain readmission on the Bianchini Costruzioni srl white list. The esteemed company that - for the accusation - used labor provided by the "ndrangheta.

Another company that falls into the hands of the Grande Aracri of Brescello, with a role in this case also played by the chief of chiefs Nicolino, is the company Vigna Dogarina srl ​​of Treviso, to which the Grande Aracri take away tons of wine for hundreds of thousands of euros that will never be paid, showing false credentials of false or real companies. In one case, they present the Dogarina with a three-million-euro guarantee that was apparently issued by Barclays Bank in 2013 and takes away a million bottles of prosecco. Too bad the surety was false.

Original (Italian)