So i watched a little of alites interview. Ok he practically blows sammy the whole interview . Hes the perfect gangster. Sucks him off and tickles the balls for 2 hrs. He wont even call mikey scars a rat hes a gentleman cooperator. Mike franzese a genius mafioso. You get were this is going. And we find out guess what alite and sammy are making a documentary movie together with some company in europe and those checks are fat. So no wonder sammy has nothing but great thing to say about him. When sammy gave the fbi his proffer session which is like 50 pages long were he names fucking every guy n capo in the 5 familes who went to what wedding who was at the scene of what murder alite was never a thought. I mean you can read it on the smoking gun. All the ravenite tapes are published wont here his name there. Idk guy just has a inflated ego and i think he believes hes still n good standing with criminals its weird