Originally Posted by Hollander
Riina and Bagarella were brutal but the brains was Bernardo Provenzano. Messina Denaro is a Provenzano guy.

How much did mafiosi like Provenzano and Denaro model themselves after the entrepreneurial model that American LCN set? We have said many times on here that the Italian Americans were once the ones enjoying the riches while the Italians were seen as farmers who did not make money nor had political connections. That soon flipped and the Italians began dealing with money that was unheard of in the states unless you were a billionaire businessman. I know I have asked this before but what stopped the Americans from graduating to the level of some of the top Italian bosses in the area of wealth and connections? Was it informants and tougher laws against crime/prisons? After Carlo Gambino I think there was a clear lack of leadership in taking the movement that Americans like him, Luciano, Costello, and Lucchese tried to push forward. I think American mafiosi like those that I mentioned wanted to turn their families into massive organizations rooted in the country like JP Morgan Chase.

Last edited by Revis_Island; 09/19/19 10:22 PM.