Originally Posted by Strax
There are a few witnesses that confirmed that , well back in 2012 and the whole Di Matteo situation, Matteo Messina Denaro just said to Palermo bosses "It must be done" and it had to be done with bomb in Rome or Palermo. According to informant order came from same people who ordered deaths of Falcone and Borsellino.

@Revis_Island: They need each other , freemasons/secret services need mafia to do dirty work for them , while mafia needs them for various other stuff.

where did you read it? i didn't know cosa nostra wanted to kill di matteo in 2012, anyway it would be very stupid to do it because the ones behind the previous slaughters (politicians/ freemasons/ secret services or whoever) did not eliminate 41 bis and other things riina wanted... and why the hell ask cosa nostra if ndrangheta is supposed to be the most powerful nowadays?
politicians/freemasons need the mafia also because it controls tons of votes, especially in the south