Originally Posted by Turnbull
I'm gonna get me a real drink may have been Fredo leaving the Presidential Palace to phone his contacts in the Cuban government because the next thing we see is that smart-looking military detachment double-timing down the hospital corridor to rescue Roth
Very informative thread indeed

Sure thing Fredo was undoubtedly in with Roth and Ola far more deeply in his treacherous betrayal of Michael

I acknowledge the above is may have been scenario....My queries please and somewhat confusing take!
  • Did Roth and Ola know that they will never see the New Year?
  • They seemed pretty slack considering how Michael's bodyguard, Bussetta was able to just walk into Ola's hotel room and killed him
  • How and why would Fredo have contacts in the Cuban government?
  • Why would Roth / Ola organise or feel the necessity for Fredo to have contacts in the Cuban government
  • Besides Fredo could and wouldn't have already told Roth / Ola straight after Michael told Fredo “Hyman Roth will never see the New Year” unless Fredo's guilty conscience pricked him!
  • Why would Fredo wait until the Presidential Palace New Year reception and then tell his contacts in the Cuban government even if he had any unless because of Roth's no show
  • Anyway, Roth and Ola should have been already dead?
  • More importantly no one knew of Roth's stroke, at the New Year reception [however acknowledge the military could have gone to Roth's hotel to 'check' on him if Roth's no show was detected and found out Roth was in the hospital]
  • Then again why would the military go to rescue Roth as at that stage if my memory serves me right, Batista had not resigned his presidency unless the military after informing Batista of his untenable position due to the rebels taking over, went to take care of Batista's old friend and associate Roth

As regards Tom the Consigliere and lawyer, Tom seemed clueless "Duh-h-h, Tom!" - or it was all an act for aspiring Don Tom!

If Tom was being tentative, perhaps trying to protect Fredo but in the process let his one and only client Michael perjure himself, who very nearly could have ended up in prison indeed if Michael had not brought Frankie Pentangeli's brother Vincenzo over