The boss of the San Paolo neighborhood of Bari Andrea Montani, 55, returns to prison. The Nor Carabinieri of Modugno (Bari) carried out an order of custody for the attempted murder of the 42-year-old Ignazio Gesuito, who was wounded in an ambush on 5 February 2018 in the Cecilia district of Modugno. Montani, nicknamed 'Malagnacch', would have tried to kill him to avenge his son Salvatore, killed by Gesuito in June 2006.

At the boss, free again in 2016 after 18 years in prison and under house arrest for a robbery, the new crime is disputed with the aggravating factors of the mafia method and having acted "for reasons of supremacy and mafia reaffirmation in the territory", by day and by the uncovered face. Gesuito, joined by two assassins in the condominium courtyard of the house, Survived, he lost the use of his legs.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"