Thank you Turnbull for your time and effort

As I already posted No doubt we can appreciate FFC's fanatical attention to detail and the opinions, knowledge of the Forum members

If I didn't think I could be informed better, I wouldn't be on this Forum!
I enjoy posting, reading other members posts, their knowledge, our responses which no doubt enriches our understanding of Michael Corleone’s dilemmas in GFII and the movies in general

I understand why Michael didn't, couldn't, in fact never could take the Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution

I understand why he was rattled when he realised that Pentangeli was alive and was being secretly prepared to testify against him

I understand his very real possibility of going to prison, which threat he brilliantly countered by bringing Pentangeli's brother over

I am always glad of any fuel that keeps any thread going, keeping the board active which no doubt enriches our enjoyment nearly half a century on, why we are still conversing

My point is, it is not hard, not rocket science! for the audience to work out that Michael had a narrow escape without having to understand the US constitution, US criminal and regulatory laws, be knowledgeable about the American due process and its complexities, legal details, the difference between law and regulation

Every country has their own local due process and its complexities It is not unique

It is nice to know, fun to flesh out but not critical for the audience to figure out he escaped by the skin of his teeth

Michael's hidden interests, links, undeclared ownership and control in casinos was deader than dead Nobody could find any trace, no trail whatsoever connecting Michael

How could the Gaming Commission kick him out of the casino business on his non-existent casino holdings
There were no licenses in his name for the Nevada Gaming Commission to yank and put him in their "Black Book"

As regards his "legitimate" standing suffering a fatal blow, fatally undermining his “legitimate” pose, Pentangeli indelibly creating a detailed image and account of Michael as a Mafia Don, destroying his reputation, even in GF III reporters were still asking
"What about Mr. Corleone’s connections with Las Vegas gambling? What about his involvements with the underworld?"

You put it beautifully Turnbull,
No doubt Michael fooling himself about "legitimacy" was his undoing throughout the Trilogy. A serious essay could be written about how frustrated Michael was about "legitimacy" and his failure to achieve it