Originally Posted by LuanKuci
If I remember correctly, back in a 2018 Mob Talk video, Anastasia mentioned Philly having between 40 to 45 guys on the streets. Now I’m assuming he meant made guys. So if the 40-members estimate for Buffalo is correct then it’ll put W. NY below Philly, manpower-wise, even by a little.

That said, size isn’t always a fair indication of a group’s wealth and influence. Being an international crime family with half (?) of its members and operations on Canadian soil, Buffalo could be bringing in a lot of cash.

Philly is under the Genovese, while Buffalo is reportedly under the Bonanno...so that’s also a factor to consider.

Philly is a family we know a lot about, they get a ton of coverage and there are plenty of knowledgeable posters who share their info over here on a weekly basis.

Buffalo, on the other hand, is still a mystery to most. It’s unclear how/if they’re structured so it’s really hard to make assumptions.

Most people on this blog didn’t even believe they were still around until a year or so ago, and perhaps some still sorta don’t since the FBI has been mute about them.

With the frenzy going on in Ontario and Quebec it’s a matter of time until something more in-depth will come up.

For argument sake If Buffalo and Philly had the same amount of members/structure, would the international reach of Buffalo be enough to notch them above Philly? I know Philly gets a ton of coverage, but if Buffalo had as much coverage and with the Canadian element, it could put them a step up.

" If you're going to be bad, be good at it "

Jerry Tillinghast