Confiscated from the mafia, this smuggler's ship becomes a boat-library

The ship is called Kalimche , a sailing boat that was confiscated from organized crime in Apulia, the Sacra Corona Unita. After a year spent in the port of Otranto (Italy), it was restored by eight miners, as part of their work of general interest, out of the prison where they were detained. And now, Kalimchè serves as a library for all.
The project named Il Cantiere d'Amare (Love Building) was set up by the Marcobaleno Social Promotion Association, located in Bari. She won the prize for the 2018 edition of the Orrizonti Solidali contest (Horizons solidaires), supported by the Megamark Foundation. Thanks to a grant of € 90,000 granted by the Ministry of Justice, this Kalimchè moult was allowed as part of the rehabilitation of young people in difficult situations.