Originally Posted by Strax
Originally Posted by Revis_Island

I should have been more specific. I really meant are the Russians active in as many areas of crime as the ndrangheta? For years I have heard about how the Russians are the strongest and control all of Eastern Europe, especially the Bratva. Was this over exaggerated and if not, when did the Ndrangheta supplant them as they are universally seen as the most powerful and richest criminal organization as of today.

That is not true at all, i am from Balkans , i personally know a lot of people that are involved in organized crime , they never dealt or heard of any russians around here. In this part of Europe the most powerful are Albanians(clans from Kosovo), Skaljarski & Kavacki clan which are from Montenegro and old zemunski clan from Serbia. Russian mafia bosses have some influence in ex countries of Soviet Union but that is far from control.

Mogilevich is arguably the most powerful crime boss in the world though, so maybe that’s partially where I got my perception of the Russian mob from. As well as Putin. The Ndrangheta might have some bosses who can rival him but they are so private, we don’t know who may or may not have money and resources like he does. Denaro if he wasn’t in hiding could easily match or surpass any powerful crime figure. These people have so much political power and so many resources that they might have as much power as anyone in the world up to a point.

Last edited by Revis_Island; 07/14/19 07:09 PM.