Originally Posted by Revis_Island
Originally Posted by m2w
Originally Posted by Revis_Island

Was there a winner in the San Luca feud at all? Losing so many men, there really aren’t winners but the Reggio Calabria feud had a winner and that was the Condellos

the nirta's 'la maggiore' acted as peacemakers for the feud of san luca between nirta-strangio and pelle-vottari like the sicilian mafia did for the feud of reggio calabria between de stefano-tegano and imerti-condello, neither of the two feuds ever had a real winner anyway

The Nirta Maggiore are completely separate from the Nirta-Strangio?

Yes two rival families, but both from San Luca, the Nirta Versu are powerful but Nirta La Maggiore are probably the most influential 'Ndrina of all time.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"