On 11 June Paul Rocca was shot dead in the port of Bonifacio. he was an owner of a sea tour company popular with tourists. it adds to the number of violent deaths in the middle of the companies of the sea tour of the area since about twenty years. Enough to encourage investigators to consider a resumption of hostilities. The context of historical tensions in Bonifacio, between the three families Cantara, Rocca and Chiocca is obviously taken into account. In the 1990s and 2000s, a series of assassinations had hit the headlines.
In an article published in the newspaper Le Monde dated December 8, 2017, a police listening, conducted during a parlor between Ange-Toussaint Federici and his cousin Paul, highlighted the interests of the "Federici clan" in the tourism sector, sea tours in the extreme south of Corsica.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"