Originally Posted by thebarber
Ok I tried to run this survey once before and didn't get much of a response but I feel like we have some new blood here and will try 1 more time.

The question is what type of women do you think this generations young mobsters are marrying ??

A) daughters and other relatives of wiseguys that understand and accept "the life"

B) girls who grew up in the old neighborhood and love the attention and special treatment they receive for being with a wiseguy.

C) girls who grew up nowhere near LCN and may be a little na�ve to what there new man really does

D) strippers and party girls.

Thanks for your thoughts

It was mostly “B” Years ago.

But now a dayz it “D” since both are just whoa’s And pimp drug dealers these days.


Be Loyal, Be Loving, Be Quiet.