"Drug cartels want Europe to get the crystal meth"
The police are encountering more and more crystal meth labs in the Netherlands. Mexican drug cartels are trying to sell the life-threatening drug in Western Europe, police sources warn.

Koen Voskuil 04-06-19, 03:00
After a raid on a drug boat in Moerdijk in Brabant, the police arrested three Mexicans last month. It appears that in February this year two Mexicans were also arrested in a crystal meth lab in Wateringen. One of those two comes from the Sinaloa region, where an infamous drug cartel is active. Drugs accounted for around 80 million euros in the Watering warehouse.

Methamphetamine or crystal meth is a devastating and addictive drug that has so far hardly been used in the Netherlands. The drug is used at extreme sex parties in the gay scene, but hardly ever outside. The price is falling, says drug researcher Ton Nabben. ,, A gram did 150 euros and in the last year only 80 to 100 euros. That indicates a greater availability. We also see it in Amsterdam: the number of dealers offering the drugs is increasing. ”

According to police sources, Mexican drug cartels are deliberately expanding the market. "They are entering the European market with their crystal meth." ,, They first focused on Eastern Europe. There you can see the crystal methzombies. Now they are trying in the west.
Last Sunday, the police dismantled a crystal meth lab in The Hague. 25 kilos of the drugs were found there. So far there has been no link with Mexicans.

The police are surprised by the sudden presence of Mexicans in crystal meth labs, says police spokesman Robbert Salome. ,, We still wonder what their role is here. The use and trade of crystal meth in the Netherlands is marginal. "

Last edited by Hollander; 06/04/19 12:02 AM.

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