I have an ancestor who was in the life back in the 1930s to around 1947. In 1933 he was arrested on arson charges - he was part of a ring and was employed as the insurance adjuster. He did 5 or 6 years in Sing Sing and never said a peep. His Sing Sing intake says no priors. He died in the late 40s. His son claims Meyer Lansky would come to the house and was introduced as Uncle Meyer. We have a statue he had made of a house he loved, he had the small statue done in bronze. 20 years later, the local neighborhood guy in Bensonhurst, I think the local neighborhood Capo or at least made guy Jack the Barber, spared my father's life because of my ancestor's rep as a stand up guy after my dad beat up his son.

Any way I can find out how high his rank might have been, if he was made or not? I know it's not a definite signifier that he was made but in photos I've seen he did wear a pinkie ring.