Originally Posted by Moe_Tilden
Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari
Thank you MG. The mid 1990s were not that kind to John Gotti Jr, almost suprised he is still alive today. Almost. His father still had friends and loyalists on the street that actually shielded him from dangers, but he was no negotiator.

Which is ironic as he portrays himself as an intellectual whenever he's on TV lionising his dad.

Same thing with Junior Gotti as with Bill Bonanno: I'm sure he was a nice and likable guy in real life if you see them on the street, well spoken, etc. But, at the same time not a true street guy and without his dad (and his dad's supporters) a bit of a pushover.

Okay, maybe Junior wasn't a complete pushover and maybe Junior could've been a decent boss one day, the problem was his dad made him a capo at like 26 and "acting boss" at like 28. His dad basically set him up for failure.

"It wasn't very good parsley to begin with, and then the cat went and peed on it." -Sicilian proverb