Originally Posted by OakAsFan
I always thought it was interesting that Junior had such an old school mobster demeanor while Johnny Soprano looked more like a typical 60's street hood.

Even the way Junior dressed compared to Johnny. In Fortunate Son, the flashback takes place in October 1969. Junior has a fedora, a sports coat, an old scho vest with a shirt under. Johnny has a long sleeve polo and very 60s leather jacket and slicked hair. Junior almost looks like a 20s or 30s wiseguy. Or like one of the older bosses.

This could be overcompensating on his part. Junior was Johnny's older brother but constantly standing in his shadow. He was made AFTER Johnny. Lost his hair at a young age. Didn't carry nearly as much prestige or respect as Johnny (as late as 67 he's acting as his brother's driver). His brother had the wife, kids, a nice house, a glamorous mistress who slept with JFK. Perhaps by dressing th part of an older wiseguy he tried to cultivate a sophisticated image to compensate for his lesser status.