According to one account I read about wiretaps in the Commission case, the government caught plenty of Mob guys pissing and moaning about Bonanno's autobiography ("A Man of Honor") and what it revealed. Ironically, when Rudy Giuliani was US Attorney for the Southern District of NY, he read the Bonanno book and found that Bonanno's description of the Commission's workings was a perfect example of a "Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization" under the still-new RICO Act. It was the basis of his successful prosecution of the Commission case.

Much as I respect Joe Pistone and enjoyed his book, I seriously doubt that the Commission put a half-million-dollar price on his head. The Commission doesn't maintain and pay a private army to assassinate enemies of the Mafia--they leave that to the individual families. The only thing Dons have in common is greed and distrust of each other. Why would the other families contribute a dime to get revenge on Pistone when the dumb-ass Bonannos were the ones who brought him in?

Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.