It surely came as a shock. I've been a fan of Nipseys music since 2008 or 2009, can't remember. When everyone called him little Snoop Dogg because he was skinny and high all the time.

As far as "he had it coming" comments, I can't understand how some people such sheltered lives and don't understand what giving back to their community means. Like few posters mentioned, surely he was no saint, but the man tried to make his community better and he tried to keep younger kids away from the path that he took.

The same way Adele makes songs to which teenager girls who "had their heart broken" can relate to, gangster rappers make songs for young men and women who can relate to them.

When the mayor of LA and the chief of LAPD gives props to a young black rapper and claim he tried to do better, then who are we to say anything different?