Persico’s the last 15 or more years they have been bringing relatives over not just or for sole purpose of the OC but if that happens why not.

They will never go the route of Gambinos ect . as long as there is still blood available, that doesn’t mean that it will not be a non blood street boss but most likely.

The way of the world is different and if anything that life is going and has been slowly collapsing so even more in this day and age it will be blood in the families with the pool of good men dwindling .

Not just dwindling but collapsing with no old guys to show the way ... look at Philly right after Nick it’s earning but not big business, not just LE pushing but lack of educated members to show the younger guys . If not shown it’s so hard to learn on your own because you will make mistakes and take pinches and that makes rats ! it’s a bad circle of events.

But I highly doubt you will see Perico’s on the outs for some time ..... believe it or not many of those guys coming up are educated on both sides of the tract.

Time will tell.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."