I'm still having a hard time believing that this kid would do something like this randomly on his own. There are other ways to deal with stuff like this. If he did act on his own, then he must have severe depression and is on some sort of medication, because no sane person goes from having a clean record and an honest job to killing one of the major bosses of one of the big families, that's insanity.

Doctors basically treat guys with mental health problems as live guinea pigs. They prescribe loads of different medications until one "works". It's very much a trial and error process. And big pharma makes insane profits out of it.

If you look at the labels, a lot of the medications can result in suicidal tendencies. More rarely they can result in homicidal tendencies.

Just putting it out there. He probably wasn't on meds and even if he was who knows what effect it had on him. When I was on meds it made me put on weight and gave me blue balls.

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.