Originally Posted by Mooney
Originally Posted by Strax
Originally Posted by MeyerLansky

you have to be really smart and sophisticated to lure him outside like that
someone order that hit and of course gave him that order

I don't think so, what is the easiest way to lure out someone if u dont have his phone? Well just mess with his car. That explains the 12 shots fired , that is not professional at all

Agreed! 12 shots and only 6 hit him at that range? Very sloppy! If this was a hit, they would have had someone very responsible and talented to do the hit as they were going after a boss. Cali would have turned around and pop, pop hes done. Also a coup de grace to the head is always a sign of a good hit. They would have given him one to the head most likely to make sure the job was done. This was all torso shots. Seems amateur. But again....who the hell knows?

It's a bit of a myth that mob murders like this, even involving high echelon guys like Cali, are always clean.

Vincent Gigante had Frank Costello at point blank range and he could only graze him. Fat Pete Chiodo was ambushed at a garage by at least two Lucchese soldiers and they couldn't kill him despite riddling him with bullets. Jimmy Hydell botched the killing of Anthony Casso when he had a clean shot at him sitting in his car; and you can say, "it's only Jimmy Hydell", but it was a Gambino capo who put the hit squad together.

Plenty of other examples.

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.