Originally Posted by SC
Originally Posted by Irishman12

Thanks SC. How often do you go through blades? I've got the styptic pencil and from the research I've done, it looks like it takes some getting used to. I would be using it on my face and head as well. The razor and blades seem pretty inexpensive. Thinking about just buying what I need, giving it a shot and if I don't like it, switching back.

I-12, since I've retired I no longer shave everyday; more like 1 - 2 times a week, so my usage has of blades has dropped substantially. I buy the double edged blades in packages of one hundred each and that will last me about six months. That package costs me about $12. I shave my head also but I'm not worried about getting a super-close shave there so I use an electric razor for my head. Besides, I'd worry about getting nicks on my noggin. Your facial skin will "toughen up" a little after you shave your face regularly. Plus those blades are easier to use if you trim the top of a mustache like I do.

Thanks SC. My head I shave about every 3 days, my face one a week (I know, I'm lazy with it). So you'd say give it a shot and try it out?