Originally Posted by Strax
Originally Posted by Hollander
Strax did you know Arkan escaped from Bijlmerbajes prison in Amsterdam in 1981. His men threw a pistol and rope over the wall and they escaped.
Prior to that he also escaped with italian gangster Carlo Fabiani a prison in Verviers. In a court in Stockholm the two were later freed by Kostovski.

Yes, it was in may 1981, but he was arrested shorty after that in June in Germany. But i never heard of Carlo Fabiani ? Who was he ? Was he affiliated with Sicilian mafia ?

No idea but in those early years of Arkan he was one of his most loyal "collaborators". Raznatovic learns Italian and tightens ties that will come in handy in the nineties, when from the Balkans in the chaos arrive in Italy lots of weapons that end up in the hands of the mafia clans.
Another Italian friend was the lawyer Giovanni Di Stefano. When the war in Bosnia ended in 1995, Di Stefano continued his entrepreneurial rise alongside Arkan, with whom he also shared his passion for football. The former head of the Ultras of Red Star buys a small team of the capital, the Obilic, in partnership with the Anglo-Italian lawyer, who in a few years wins the championship and participates in the Champion's League.

Last edited by Hollander; 03/08/19 09:11 PM.

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