Originally Posted by Jshov31
Originally Posted by DonCheech
I hear what you're saying Jshov31 but you're on a public forum titled Organized Crime-Real Life. I cant speak for all, but I come here to learn different things, real life info on organized crime as it happening today depending on the thread. Talking about things that are already "public knowledge" defeats the purpose of the whole forum for me. I read and contribute to the forums to learn more than what's already known to the public. I get that there are some posters who are legitimately connected or hooked up in various forms or with persons involved in OC, but again you are on a public forum. Youre right, it's not a movie, it's a discussion. And not to start a fight, but why would you use your first initial and the first 4 of your last name as your public forum name? With the names you mentioned, I would love to hear more about them.

Originally Posted by DonCheech
I hear what you're saying Jshov31 but you're on a public forum titled Organized Crime-Real Life. I cant speak for all, but I come here to learn different things, real life info on organized crime as it happening today depending on the thread. Talking about things that are already "public knowledge" defeats the purpose of the whole forum for me. I read and contribute to the forums to learn more than what's already known to the public. I get that there are some posters who are legitimately connected or hooked up in various forms or with persons involved in OC, but again you are on a public forum. Youre right, it's not a movie, it's a discussion. And not to start a fight, but why would you use your first initial and the first 4 of your last name as your public forum name? With the names you mentioned, I would love to hear more about them.

I joined this forum to learn more about a lot of the guys I spent time with at FCI Fairton, some of their stories fascinated me. Also, the things I read just don’t match up with the guys I knew. Sure I knew what most of them were sentenced for but beyond that much of the things you here inside are bs. As far as why I use the name I use it’s because it’s been my nickname and my email since about 1999. I’m not a big fan of change. I even had a damn Cadillac with that as my license plate.

Ok. Fair enough. If you can share some of the experiences you've had though, I for one would love to hear about them. Especially things you say that are BS or reported as wrong. Reading about it in a book is one thing. Reading about it from someone in the know is fascinating. But that's just me.

Regarding an earlier comment about "trolls", not made by you Jshov31, and whether it was directed my way. Wanting to know more from people who perhaps were or are in the position to expound on the forum subjects is not being a troll as far as I'm concerned. I come here to hear about things you won't read in the paper. It's a subject I enjoy hearing about especially being from where I am from and am currently still. Calling somebody a troll for that?, I think not.