Originally Posted by Hollander
Pasquale Cuntrera is probably retired he´s about 84 now. Alfonso Caruana is still in prison. You have the younger generations like Poncho and Big Joe still around, but they don´t have the same influence as their fathers.

I think Poncho followed in his father's footsteps, taking over his old crew and becoming one of the so called leaders of the Montreal Mafia. The Cuntreras in Montreal are probably not part of the group in Ontario. Montreal has historically been LCN turf while Toronto belongs to the Italian mafias, at least nowadays.

I'm inclined to believe the Cuntreras in Ontario have been on the fence at the very least. It also now seems the putch against the rogue Rizzuto group came from within LCN while the Toronto Calabrians were only peripherally involved.

I think nowadays the Cuntrera-Caruana Mafia clan is enjoying the sheer amount of profits once made with drugs and has invested it in real estate and other legal ventures while taking a low profile.

"It was between the brothers Kay -- I had nothing to do with it."