I have HBO and plan to see it, probably tonight. I'm sure it'll be very disturbing. I've heard McCaulley Caulkin (as well as Corey Feldman) deny that Jackson was improper with him. I'm not sure I believe it tho. Caulkin did turn weird if you ask me. Tho Jacksons talent cannot be denied, and we may never know the absolute truth, let me put it this way,I would have NEVER left my young children or grandchildren alone with him.

Sidenote: When I was working at the middle school, there was this teacher EVERYBODY loved. Kids were drawn to him. I'd see him walk thru the office with kids behind him (looking back now, always boys). He'd take them to events/sports etc. It wasn't til years later that the son of his TEAM teacher, who was also a friend of his, confessed to his father (when he turned 18) that he was sexually assaulted by this teacher. EVERYONE was blown away, with some teachers/staff calling the kids liars. They simply could not believe this guy we all knew (or thought we did) could EVER do something like that. Guess what, other kids came forward, and this guy is spending pretty much the rest of his life in jail. I guess I've learned, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck and seems like it "Could be" a duck...….assume that it is. In the midst of this I remember he called the school once. I just happened to answer for the front desk cause they were busy. I was always nice to him, and him to me. He said hi and asked for the Principal. I couldn't wait to get rid of that call. panic


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon