Again sensitive PGP data in Rico de Chilean case
At a heavily secured session at the court in Osdorp, the progress in the investigation into Rico de Chile is discussed this morning.

Justice is still working hard to trace and analyze pgp data in the investigation into Rico de Chilean, correspondents say on the spot . The information comes to the fore via the cracked servers and data managers of the encryption telephone provider Ennetcom. The NFI technicians also analyze the information found on smartphones that were found at Rico at the end of '17 in a raid on the hotel apartment in Santiago de Chile.

Justice assumes that Rico the Chilean has been involved in various assassinations, the Public Prosecution Service mentioned to the court in Osdorp the names of the Amsterdam Moroccan Samir 'Scarface' Bouyakhrichan, shot dead in Spain in 2014, that of Amsterdam Antillian Gwenette Martha, who had also been liquidated in Amstelveen that same year, and a year earlier in Marbella, Frankie Scharrenberg was shot dead.

Last edited by Hollander; 02/27/19 08:30 AM.

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