Right on Hood

That life is treacherous and believe me many of nights out with some of these guys and I don’t mean Salvie but others from Philly and other towns were some scary shit .

It’s like they have no reflex to stop or compassion it’s just not there when it comes to them getting what they want.

I would look at Phil knowing how compassionate he was to family and neighborhood people and in the same thoughts I knew he was destroying a outsiders life or killing someone in the life .

It’s not on your mind constant because you are 20 something and hanging out and flexing your muscles but deep down you know shits not right and if a made guy doesn’t like something about you or likes your girl or wants a piece of your business you know it’s going to be life or death.

I don’t know if they really believed in LCN that much but they must have because all the shit bossesdid and guys still respected the boss , even after Nick did shit to Chuckle they still had a relationship and the backstabbing in Philly with Faffy and Chuckie and many others trying to bad mouth guys and get there rackets was common even to today withSkinny knowing what Faffy was up to and he is in the fold ..... nothing personal only business I guess.... I could go on and on but these guys were / are treacherous .

Last edited by Serpiente; 02/26/19 06:58 PM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."