It does not have to be a mob guy or in there blood or be a vindictive loan or relationship there are several very successful business men that now and then get tight with finance they can be friends they can be associates they can be neighbors that are having slow time and need loan for payroll to keep there guys working.

Not everyone that help people with cash has to be a Shylock or any other names you can come up with I’ve been helping people I know for years.

Some guys businesses do well in seasons and get in a jam when slow it’s not just guys getting jammed up in something like gambling it’s all walks of life I just helped a family member that his business does much better in fair weather unless the area gets a snow storm then his equipment goes into snow removal from its usual job and then he does great in winter but he needed to be covered for payroll for a couple’s no big deal .....but you have to get collateral for new people so you don’t get jammed up.

Why Phil did not send word that he sold the loan to another before he starts leaning on a guy...always cover your ass.

Last edited by Serpiente; 02/02/19 08:39 PM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."