Originally Posted by NickleCity
BronaZora, thanks for the comment. You are right. It is much more complicated than my quick reduction about Violi/Luppino, Musitano and others that have Ndrangheta roots that "may" have been under American LCN all along.

I am aware that Giacomo Luppino started the Camera di Controllo in Toronto, the ruling body for the heads of the Ndrangheta decinas in GTA. This is where I think all the confusion comes into play. From what I understand he was a Captain for Magaddino and according to Schneider in Iced he set the Contollo up to run like the commission because of his "reverence" for "his boss" Magaddino and Schneider further suggests that the whole board answered to the Buffalo boss. All this interconnection is what is hard for me to wrap my mind around. Evidently there is a great deal of independence for these various "families" yet they were and some are still alleged be overseen by Buffalo.

Is that how you summarize things?

Please, anyone with ideas I'd love to learn the various theories about how this worked and may still work today.

That's actually pretty spot on Nickle, the families in Southern Ontario did have Ndrangheta roots, but they all answered to Buffalo and played by Magaddino's rules, so technically speaking yes, it's correct to say that Magaddino was the big boss of the families in Southern Ontario and he pretty much represented them in the American commission.

With that said, we do have to consider timelines here, meaning that the Magaddino era is gone, and while some still answer or fly the Buffalo banner (Luppino-Violi family), others no longer do that (Ndrangheta families of Toronto). Then there are some groups in the gray area, the Musitanos being one of them who at some point did answer to Buffalo like the rest of them, but later shifted alliances to the Rizzuto family instead as Buffalo weakened.