Originally Posted by Revis_Island
@Furio Also, since Bardellino was the founder and boss of the powerful Casalesi clan(which rivaled any crime family within the 3 OC groups in Italy), how was he not the top guy over Zaza, Nuvoletta and Alfieri? What about Umberto Ammaturo? I read that he was one of the biggest cocaine guys out there and was loaded with cash.

The Casalesi are a conderation of families (Zagaria,Schiavone,Bidognetti) Bardellino was the leader but not the boss. And in the Camorra everyone are king in his territory and as I said Zaza and Nuvoletta was made men and that give them prestigio but was powerful before get made. Ammaturo that married the lady camorra Pupetta Maresca was a freelance drug trafficker that operated from Perù but the fact that wasnt affiliated with any clan doesn't help him when was arrested and shortly after he flip.