'Ndrangheta: the role of women grows, from drug trafficking to the collection of lace
No longer the mere role of logistical assistance to the fugitives, "women have conquered important spaces" in the criminal activities of the 'ndrangheta protagonists of vicious activities related to the trafficking of drugs and the collection of lace' ". It was Francesco Rattà, manager of the Reggio Calabria mobile team, to outline the role of women in the Calabrian organized crime, speaking at the conference 'Investigate 2.0 - Past, present and future in the fight against crime', in Rome at the High School of Police '. More and more important roles that cage 'even those who want to get out of the criminal circuit. "We are not yet witnessing mass rebellion phenomena, until now we are only recording single episodes of women who choose to collaborate with justice to escape from that world", adds the investigator. A risky way, if you think that "the code of the 'Ndrangheta foresees death for this kind of transgressions. In fact, there have been cases of 'ndrangheta and suicide' feminicides.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"