Originally Posted by Revis_Island
Originally Posted by furio_from_naples
Originally Posted by Revis_Island
I read somewhere that Genovese was a powerful boss when he was in Italy. How true is that with the Italian mafia still obviously operating? I know he did have a lot of money back then as he donated $4 million to the fascist party. And I read something about a black market operation he was running with Vizzini throughout Italy.

He give 100'000 $ to Mussolini for building the House of Fascio of Nola (that was near the city where he born) and where stay one of the offices of the university where I graduated. For the businesses,don vito made more money with the black market after the Allies occupated Naples because had on his payroll the american governator Charles Poletti.In 1944 2 soldiers arrested him because was found with a radio devi c'è and thinked that he was a spy.Shortly after was released on Poletti order.

Sounds as if he was living his best life. Was he instrumental in the mafia in Italy at all during that time?

No. Luciano used Don Calogero Vizzini of Villalba to help the Allies to conquer the sicily. Rumors says that before the attack an airplain launched near Villalba a metal box with inside a white flag with a L printed in the center. When the american come near Villalba a tank with speaker went in the town yelling "we search for don calò" and shortly after Vizzini went out with the flag.