Originally Posted by Revis_Island
I read somewhere that Genovese was a powerful boss when he was in Italy. How true is that with the Italian mafia still obviously operating? I know he did have a lot of money back then as he donated $4 million to the fascist party. And I read something about a black market operation he was running with Vizzini throughout Italy.

He give 100'000 $ to Mussolini for building the House of Fascio of Nola (that was near the city where he born) and where stay one of the offices of the university where I graduated. For the businesses,don vito made more money with the black market after the Allies occupated Naples because had on his payroll the american governator Charles Poletti.In 1944 2 soldiers arrested him because was found with a radio devi c'è and thinked that he was a spy.Shortly after was released on Poletti order.