Less police effort to protect Bandidos boss
Updated 5 min ago
9 min ago in the Netherlands

Echt - The emergency ordinances around the house in Nieuwstadt by President Harrie Ramakers of the Limburg Bandidos will be lifted from Saturday. This is because the earlier threat around Ramakers' home has declined, writes Mayor Jos Hessels of Echt-Susteren, Friday in a residents letter.

Hessels issued an emergency ordinance on 19 December 2018 after a hand grenade was found in the Bandidos boss's garden. In the meantime, the situation is less threatening and the previously removed traffic-inhibiting measures are removed. Preventive searching is also off the track.

The camera surveillance remains. The police will also respond with priority to incidents around the home of Ramakers.

Two attacks were committed on the home of Ramakers on 16 and 22 March 2014. Hessels also took measures to protect the street. Those who were responsible for the attacks never became clear.

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