Originally Posted by furio_from_naples
Sorry but even if Scarfo jr would had the men for take over philly,he is a lucchese made man and can't be made boss of another family?

Again for 100 times nobody says he was behind a take over he was taking rackets slowly and had plan with other to take more ...the other families were looking to take over !!!!!! Please Jr. not taking Philly over if I wrote that I made a mistake.

Other families!!! other then Luke’s !

But there is a big twist and a load of info ....but that case will have to go to jury for 2 or more years recordings of info to fully come out unless you know someone to get the transcripts ....so that’s a lawyers office or one of the people charged or someone on team America!

Last edited by Serpiente; 01/08/19 08:05 AM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."