Originally Posted by BensonHURST

I understand not wanting to be outed by guys in that life because if any of these guys locally were able to put together who I am they would call me rat for talking on here.

With that being said illl talk about stuff that's old and/or the guys are harmless or if I feel there is no way of anyone figuring out who I am.

The plot that you are referring too is 10+ probably 20+ years ago.

Scaro Sr DEAD, JR Is a waste, Manna has been away for 30 years if he is still alive

My point is the plot is ancient history.

Yeah I did not explain....it’s old but .....it’s new .....depending on what they use in that case ......but some of the info is OOO so new and pretty wild .

The old news is just a lead way to what you all may find out ....I just don’t know what they will put out for public but it’s very different from what has been posted for all those years.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."