Originally Posted by Ant2000

Bifulco May be indeed the front boss of the organization for Todaro. That wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest. Not sure what the purpose of him going to Rochester. Can’t imagine there is any activity or anything going on in that city. At least not in the last 20-25 years or so

From what I’ve heard, all hearsay, Buffalo has had a crew in Rochester for some time. That being said I’ve heard there were Bonannos and Gambinos in Rochester as well. One of the recent articles has Todaro saying something to the affect if you are not under Buffalo you need to pack your bags. (Anybody remember which article that was?) Anyway, can’t help it wonder if the other family members in Rochester had something to do with that... Of course could have been talking about the Hamilton crews and their many ties to other families too. It is all very interesting.