Originally Posted by Turnbull
Originally Posted by Michael_Giovanni

''A man of that stature,'' one of them said, pointing to Brando, ''would never wear a hat like that. They never pinched them in the front like that. Italian block, that's the way they wore them, Italian block.''

They did not like Brando's wearing his belt below his trouser loops either.

''He makes the old man look like an iceman. That's not right. A man like that had style. He should have a diamond belt buckle. They hall had diamond belt buckles. And a diamond ring and tie clasp. Those old bosses loved diamonds. They all wore them. Brando makes the guy look like an iceman.''

Sure, that's what lower-level Mob guys would think the Don should look like--if they were the Don. But, as others have pointed out, Vito deliberately kept up a low-key appearance in everything--including his way of dressing--the better to avoid attracting attention. It was part of his strategy to make people (especially enemies and potential enemies) underestimate him.

In the real Mob world, Carlo Gambino dressed and lived very modestly (recall the widely used photo of him being arrested with a hat with the brim turned up). He may have been the most successful Don of his era. Look where dressing fancy got John Gotti and Charlie Luciano.

I am playing catch up. Philly's past Mob Boss Angelo Bruno was as low profile as you can get. Dressed very low key. Lived in a rowhome in South Philly. Got assassinated while sitting in his Chevy.


I love my Chrysler and tuna fish sandwiches.