I recently rewatched a documentary about the history of the Gambino Family. During Paul's part of the story his lawyer James LaRossa told a very interesting story that I feel kinda summed up Paul as a boss. One day he drove his wife to the supermarket and a bunch of thugs cut him off, cursed him out, and gave him the finger. Paul simply wrote down the license plate. Then he got a few of his men to find those guys and bring them to Todt Hill. When they were brought there Paul said "Do you know who I am now" They were shitting themselves but Paul said , "Nobody will hurt you but I just wanted you to know that if you ever see a old man riding in a car it might not be wise to curse at the, you better never do it again". His lawyer said instead of doing something brutal he wanted to teach them a lesson but at the same time he still had to show he was the Boss. Despite what you think of Paul as far as a "tough guy" I think it perfectly sums him up as a Boss