Originally Posted by furio_from_naples
Originally Posted by Luxurydog
Originally Posted by furio_from_naples

.Don't make my same mistakes! Wikipedia isnt a reliable source;in Cleveland there are 3 made men left and was all in their 70s,for sure there are criminals with italian surnames but the Cleveland family died in the 1980s after Lonardo that was the acting boss and Carmen Zagaria an associate that run a 15 milion a year drug ring both flipped.

I know I know, I once read a mafia wiki site that claimed Chicago had thousands of made men scattered around the world haha, I was just wondering if there was something to it. Thank you for a great informative response, didn't know they went instinct as early as the 80s, do you have any idea how many members they had in their prime?

Do you think the Cleveland mob bombed as much as they did to make it seem like they were this big and dangerous Mafia Clan? The mob had alot of fear and respect back in the day and I tvink many of thd smaller families lived on the reputation of the NY families

The Cleveland mob had at their peak in the 1960s about 60 made men under John Scalish that was boss from 1944 to 1976 that closed the book and dont made new blood so when the war with Greene began after his dead the family members was very old and lost many men so when Lonardo and Zagaria flipped the family was just weak plus joey gallo the family underboss was recorded speaking on the family operations and many members was nailed at the end in the 1989 put a freezer on made new members.

The bombing method,it was only a Cleveland method because the other families prefer the guns because that are more effective and discreet than a car bomb (Ilario Zannini from Boston said that the italians don't use car bombs like the crazy irishmen) Cleveland was called Bombscity or something in the 1970s.

I dont agree with you. Many small city families like philly under scarfo,the outfit or the patriarcas in the last 1980s early was very cruel and feared without the NY help. Toodoped post a list of chicago killings on the 1970s and was almost 100 names.

Bombs were outlawed by the commission