What don't you like about the Christmas season? I'll start with two of mine, from when I was at work:

1. The Monday after the Thanksgiving weekend, all the secretaries and clerks brought in their box radios, and played Christmas songs continuously. Each song was repeated at least 10 - 15 times daily. I swore that if I heard "Little Drummer Boy" one more time, I'd take a baseball bat to each of those box radios. mad

2. The office "holiday luncheon": I spent all year working closely 8 -12 hours daily with people, most of whom I wouldn't choose to spend a minute with otherwise. But, the boss decrees that we have to have a Christmas luncheon" to "eat, drink and be merry."

The event supposedly starts at noon in the private room of a local restaurant. Of course no one shows up before 1 p.m., the better to look "too busy" to leave the office at noon. The one waitress assigned to our group of 35 takes drink orders for the next hour and a half because that's how the restaurant makes money. She doesn't start taking lunch orders until 2:30 or so. The meals don't start arriving for another hour or so, and they dribble out four or five at a time, so that people are still eating at 5. And all I wanted to do that noontime was go out for a run... mad


Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu,
E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu...
E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu
Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.