We plan to go out again this year.

We do watch the nfl games every year, despite the ladies wanting something else on. Well ..... I think this year we’ll only have one. Few Previous years I think we took turns channel swapping. Football game went to commercial lady put her channel....that channel went to commercial....football game goes back on.

Several years ago we used to get together with the cousins every year for <=1991 To 2004 with only one year 2003 we couldn’t get together. 2005 and beyond the kids all had retail jobs and we couldn’t make it. But from 2007-2016 grandmother would always get brought down....she was brought down in 2003 too. During 1992-2004 we’d either visit the cousins or they’d come up here (usually if came up here it’d be at our house and not the grandparents)

In 1993 we had gotten a cat 🐈. Grandmother doesn’t like cats very much and was mumbling crazy stuff about it to my grandfather that year (since we had thanksgiving at our house) .....and then after dinner gave the cat the turkey platter and a whole plate full of table scraps.

I always play the ‘cranberry sauce a la Bart’ every year for my mom since she likes that clip.

When my mom made the turkey she always put an 🍊 Orange 🍊 in it. Dad always carved it up.

Hey there buddy, What’s Up? Patricia told us you were coming. My name is Luke and I’m team hoarden all the way. I ain’t no bad hombre. Everybody’s gonna tell you I got a big mouth though. I spoil the endings to movies. -Dennis from GLASS

Hey, can we keep it under 60? I’m still trying to pay for all this dental work. -Simon from TRUE LIES