How do you figure Saladino was killed? The guy weighed 400 hundred pounds when they found him dead. Interesting thing about the Dahmer hit in Park Ridge is that Panozzo and his son were living in Park Ridge around the same time of the hit. Not sure if there is any connection or bad blood between them and Sal C.

My take on the Outfit is that they are obviously still there but there problem is they didn’t modernize with the times. They didn’t take advantage of the drug market like NY did. All of their rackets are legal now. The government put them out of business that way. A lot of the younger guys who should have been coming up in the Outfit and making their bones got involved in using drugs and wasted away. Now they have slim pickings. No Nose didn’t do any favors by not being active and looking for new rackets. He stood in the way. Also, a lot of the Outfit guys that had ambition and wanted the outfit to be more active got caught up by the law; Calabrese, Marcello and Big Mike. The generation that was coming up in the 80s are now elderly now. After they go, who knows what will happen with them.