Andrea Lombardo, from Altavilla Milicia, collaborates with the magistrates and the carabinieri of Palermo. Man of the racket, but also a defendant of murder along with his father Francesco, considered the regent of the mafia family of Altavilla Milicia. Andrea Lombardo, 36, has worked mainly on extortion and control of contracts between Altavilla Milicia, Bagheria and Casteldaccia.

In 2017 he was arrested for the murder of Vincenzo Urso on the night of 25 October 2009. Urso, a building contractor, had parked his Volkswagen Tuareg in via Ragusa, in Altavilla Milicia. He knew he was hunted down and tried to escape. It was riddled with a rain of 7.65 caliber bullets. The Lombardos are accused of the instigators of the murder.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"